I would like to share something with you that might transform the way you work (aka marketing-speak for something modest that might change things a little bit).
This is a Workflow Management Tool that I have personally developed over decades of real-world, real-time experience. It is not infallible, but anecdotal results suggest that for many people the outcomes vary from “it was fun for a few minutes” to “it saved my career.”
I am calling it the OD Paradigm Shift, or the “ODPS System” to make it sound more, you know, pucker. I am now making it freely available for everyone to use.
Typical scenarios when it is helpful to deploy the ODPS System, include:
There will be countless other similar situations, but you get the picture.
Now, in the past, when I was in the thick of having a proper job, my reactions to such requests involved plenty of passive aggressive micro-behaviours, a well-developed sense of professional irritation and a slightly depressing acceptance that I would quite quickly say “sure, of course, let me see what I can do.”
Three things inevitably follow in these situations. First, our plans for the day are often messed up. Second, we will try to do our best to help. Third, our colleagues learn that we are a soft touch, with time on our hands, and that legal work cannot be that complicated. However, I then learned to deploy the the ODPS System and it was a game-changer for me.
Before describing how to use the ODPS System, it is important to learn how to behave when using it, because the way it is used will undoubtedly enhance the results.
Your body-language must be open, relaxed and super empathetic. You must really listen and convey a sense of profound care for the individual so that whatever they say to you, you will not be irritated. You must then play back to them the key messages shared with you to show you have fully appreciated their problem. In doing so, remember you must show no frustration, but keep smiling and be super friendly.
Then, and this is absolutely critical to the successful deployment of the ODPS System, you must now feign a profound sense of sorrow and disappointment. You might need to practice this to get it right, but it is essential to get this bit right.
It is now that you deploy the ODPS System.
First, you say, “Oh dear” and look sad. Make sure you have eye contact, but say nothing else. Perhaps audibly exhale a little and imperceptibly shake your head, still looking really sad. Your colleague will then sometimes say “Oh dear?” back to you, but with an inflexion as if it has become a question.
Still say nothing. Silence is your friend here. The most likely next comment from your colleague is something like “does that mean you can’t help me?”
The Oh Dear Paradigm Shift System is now moving. At this point you say to your colleague, “I am so sorry, but what can you do?” .
From here, the conversation may move in all manner of directions, but crucially the “shift” part of the ODPS System has happened. The problem has not been passed painlessly to you, and it remains on your colleague’s side of the table, while you have time to think. In my experience (and I accept that this is anecdotal and not empirically tested) 80% of what is presented to you as urgent, suddenly becomes a little less urgent. Indeed around 20% of what is presented to you may disappear altogether. Critically, however, you now have a little more control of things and a little more space to think about what to do for the best.
For more advanced users there are “add-on” features where, for example, you might say to your colleagues, “Let’s talk soon about how the way you are working is perhaps unnecessarily increasing your stress levels”
The ODPS System is free to use with my good wishes. Its underlying architecture is robust and relies on three moments of self-awareness:
Your job is to serve the needs of the organisation that employs you, it is not your job to try and meet the day-to-day whims and wants of everyone who drops stuff in your inbox.
Equally however, there is no need to be a grumpy passive-aggressive arse. Some things really are urgent, and some people sometimes don’t know what is involved in what they are asking for. The ODPS System is not an excuse for not helping, but it may help you detect those who have not given quite the care to things that would be helpful.
I hope you may use the Oh Dear Paradigm Shift System really well and that it may bring you a little joy and space in your busy lives.
Take care. Paul xx